Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Adventures in Bread Baking

In my quest to be more in control of what my family eats I have been baking bread. I have searched all over the great inter webs for the perfect recipe. I settled on this one. Last week I made the perfect loaf.
This was the first time my dough became "smooth and elastic" like the recipes always say it should become.
I was so proud of myself. The bread made some great toast PB and J sammies for my adorable step-daughter. She said it was the best bread she ever had. Ah, six year olds. Such a wonderful boost to the self esteem.
I figured I had the bread situation figured out. So a few days later it was time to make another loaf...and this happened

Not sure what I did wrong, the bread ended up being dense and dry as well as not as pretty.

I have a suspicion that I may have added too much flour during kneading. Yes, I use good ole elbow grease. I have an aversion to electric kitchen gadgets. Unless that gadget is a Cuisinart Food Processor. I drool over this, lol.

I have had issues kneading in the past. My dough tended to get very tight and hard to work with. I found this video when looking for a good pizza dough and use Susan's method of kneading. It's much easier on me and the dough. Her pizza dough was super delicious , by the way, I made 4 medium pizzas from that recipe for My step daughters birthday party. Everyone loved it. It also freezes well.

Well, I should be ready to bake some more bread tomorrow. I will have to keep a close eye on the flour use and I think I will be adding a touch more salt this time too. The last loaf was a little bland. I had used salted butter and cut back on the salt to compensate.

Wish me luck! Keep a look out for my post about my new sour dough starter! Another grand adventure awaits.